Cyprus Property Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Immovable Property Tax

Immovable Property Tax is imposed on the market value as at 1 January 1980 and applies to the immovable property owned by the taxpayer on 1 January of each year.

This tax is payable on 30 September each year. Physical and legal persons are both liable to Immovable Property Tax.

Property value €  Rate %  Tax €  Accumulated Tax € 
 0 – 120.000  -
 120.001-170.000  0,4 200  200 
 170.001-300.000  0,5 650  850 
 300.001-500.000  0,6 1.200  2.050 
 500.001-800.000  0,7 2.100  4.150 
 Over 800.000  0,8